Looking at history and differences


Teaching: 25 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I get started with Git?

  • Where does Git store information?

  • What is a branch?

  • How can I merge changes from another branch?

  • Reverting changes

  • Be able to view history of changes to a repository

  • Be able to view differences between commits

  • Understand how and when to use tags to label commits

  • Know what branches are and why you would use them

  • Understand how to merge branches

  • Understand how to resolve conflicts during a merge

Looking at differences

We should [reference some previous work][reference-previous-work] in the introduction section. Make the required changes, save both files but do not commit the changes yet. We can review the changes that we made using:

$ atom article.md		# Cite previous studies in introduction
$ atom refs.txt		# Add the reference to the database
$ git diff 			# View changes

This shows the difference between the latest copy in the repository and the unstaged changes we have made.

Looking at differences between commits is one of the most common activities. The git diff command itself has a number of useful options.

There is also a range of GUI-based tools for looking at differences and editing files. For example:

Git can be configured to use graphical diff tools, and this is functionality is accessed using git difftool in place of git diff. Configuring a visual diff tool is covered on the hints and tips page. The choice of GUI for viewing differences depends on the context in which you are working and your own preferences related to choosing tools and technologies.

Now commit the change we made by adding the second reference:

$ git add article.md refs.txt
$ git commit			# "Cite previous work in introduction"

Looking at our history

To see the history of changes that we made to our repository (the most recent changes will be displayed at the top):

$ git log

commit 3eac70f1e09f003c26783d2467e8c7d9a4f6826e (HEAD -> master)
Author: Selim Atay <youremail@yourdomain.com>
Date:   Sun Mar 21 09:51:55 2021 +0300

    cite previous work in introduction

commit 635f24bf13cab059e9f04db28a9d3008af4b837c 		# COMMITID
Author: Selim Atay <youremail@yourdomain.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 19 19:52:28 2021 +0300

    write introduction section

commit 537997c4b1837237a1f9c54a3d9dda88995eb256 		# COMMITID
Author: Selim Atay <youremail@yourdomain.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 19 18:51:06 2021 +0300

    add title and authors

The output shows (on separate lines):

Git automatically assigns an identifier (e.g. 635f24…) to each commit made to the repository — we refer to this as COMMITID in the code blocks below. In order to see the changes made between any earlier commit and our current version, we can use git diff followed by the commit identifier of the earlier commit:

$ git diff COMMITID		# View differences between current version and COMMITID

And, to see changes between two commits:


Using our commit identifiers we can set our working directory to contain the state of the repository as it was at any commit. So, let’s go back to the very first commit we made,

$ git log
$ git checkout INITIAL_COMMITID

We will get something like this:

Note: checking out '3eac70f'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 3eac70f... Add title and authors

‘detached HEAD’ is a strange concept in git

If we look at article.md we’ll see it’s our very first version. And if we look at our directory,

$ ls

then we see that our refs.txt file is gone. But, rest easy, while it’s gone from our working directory, it’s still in our repository. We can jump back to the latest commit by doing:

$ git checkout master

And refs.txt will be there once more,

$ ls
article.md refs.txt

So we can get any version of our files from any point in time. In other words, we can set up our working directory back to any stage it was when we made a commit.

The HEAD and master pointers

HEAD is a reference, or pointer, which points to the branch at the commit where you currently are. We said previously that master is the default branch. But master is actually a pointer - that points to the tip of the master branch (the sequence of commits that is created by default by Git). You may think of master as two things:

  1. a pointer
  2. the default branch.

Before we checked out one of the past commits, the HEAD pointer was pointing to master i.e. the most recent commit of the master branch. After checking out one of the past commits, HEAD was pointing to that commit i.e. not pointing to master any more. That is what Git means by a ‘detached HEAD’ state and advises us that if we want to make a commit now, we should create a new branch to retain these commits.

Checking out a previous commit - detached head

If we created a new commit without first creating a new branch, i.e. working from the ‘detached HEAD’ these commits would not overwrite any of our existing work, but they would not belong to any branch. In order to save this work, we would need to checkout a new branch. To discard any changes we make from the detached HEAD state, we can just checkout master again.

Visualizing your own repository as a graph

If we use git log with a couple of options, we can display the history as a graph, and decorate those commits corresponding to Git references (e.g. HEAD, master):

$ git log --graph --decorate --oneline

* 3eac70f (HEAD -> master) cite previous work in introduction
* 635f24b write introduction section
* 537997c add title and authors

Notice how HEAD and master point to the same commit. Now checkout a previous commit again, and look at the graph again. We can display, this time specifying that we want to look at --all the history, rather than just up to the current commit.

$ git checkout HEAD~				# This syntax refers to the commit before HEAD
$ git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all

* 3eac70f (master) cite previous work in introduction
* 635f24b (HEAD) write introduction section
* 537997c add title and authors

Notice how HEAD no longer points to the same commit as master. Let’s return to the current version of the project by checking out master again.

$ git checkout master

Using tags as nicknames for commit identifiers

Commit identifiers are long and cryptic. Git allows us to create tags, which act as easy-to-remember nicknames for commit identifiers. Which makes to track the changes in a structured way

For example,

$ git tag article_STUB

We can list tags by doing:

$ git tag

Let’s explain to the reader [why this research is important][give-context]:

$ atom article.md	# Give context for research
$ git add article.md
$ git commit -m "Explain motivation for research" article.md

We can checkout our previous version using our tag instead of a commit identifier.

$ git checkout article_STUB

And return to the latest checkout,

$ git checkout master

Top tip: tag significant events

When do you tag? Well, whenever you might want to get back to the exact version you’ve been working on. For a article, this might be a version that has been submitted to an internal review, or has been submitted to a conference. For code this might be when it’s been submitted to review, or has been released.

What is a branch?

You might have noticed the term branch in status messages:

$ git status

On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

and when we wanted to get back to our most recent version of the repository, we used git checkout master.

Not only can our repository store the changes made to files and directories, it can store multiple sets of these, which we can use and edit and update in parallel. Each of these sets, or parallel instances, is termed a branch and master is Git’s default branch.

A new branch can be created from any commit. Branches can also be merged together.

Why are branches useful?

Suppose we’ve developed some software and now we want to try out some new ideas but we’re not sure yet whether we’ll keep them. We can then create a branch ‘feature1’ and keep our master branch clean. When we’re done developing the feature and we are sure that we want to include it in our program, we can merge the feature branch with the master branch. This keeps all the work-in-progress separate from the master branch, which contains tested, working code.

When we merge our feature branch with master git creates a new commit which contains merged files from master and feature1. After the merge we can continue developing. The merged branch is not deleted. We can continue developing (and making commits) in feature1 as well.

Branching workflows

One popular model is the Gitflow model:

For example:

Feature branches ([image source)](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows#feature-branch-workflow)

There are different possible workflows when using Git for code development. If you want to learn more about different workflows with Git, have a look at this discussion on the Atlassian website.

Branching in practice

One of our colleagues wants to contribute to the article but is not quite sure if it will actually make a publication. So it will be safer to create a branch and carry on working on this “experimental” version of the article in a branch rather than in the master.

$ git checkout -b methodology

Switched to a new branch 'methodology'

We’re going to change the title of the article and update the author list (adding John Smith). However, before we get started it’s a good practice to check that we’re working on the right branch.

$ git branch			# Double check which branch we are working on

* methodology

The * indicates which branch we’re currently in. Now let’s [make the changes][change-title] to the article.

$ atom article.md		# Change title and add co-author
$ git add article.md
$ git commit			# "Modify title and add John as co-author"

If we now want to work in our master branch. We can switch back by using:

$ git checkout master

Switched to branch 'master'

Having written some of the article, we have thought of a [better title][aircraft-title] for the master version of the article.

$ atom article.md		# Rewrite the title
$ git add article.md
$ git commit			# "Include aircraft in title"

Merging and resolving conflicts

We are now working on two articles: the main one in our master branch and the one which may possibly be collaborative work in our “methodology” branch. Let’s [add another section][methodology-section] to the article to write about John’s methodology.

$ git checkout methodology	# Switch branch
$ atom article.md		# Add 'methodology' section
$ git add article.md
$ git commit -m "Add methodology" article.md

At this point let’s visualise the state of our repo, and we can see the diverged commit history reflecting the recent work on our two branches:

git log --graph --all --oneline --decorate

* cc8efe9 (HEAD -> methodology) Add methodology
* 9a7dc94 Add methodology
| * 69fefc9 (master) Include git in title
* 4714690 Explain motivation for research
* 3eac70f (tag: article_STUB) cite previous work in introduction
* 635f24b write introduction section
* 537997c add title and authors

After some discussions with John we decided that we will publish together, hence it makes sense to now merge all that was authored together with John in branch “methodology”. We can do that by merging that branch with the master branch. Let’s try doing that:

$ git checkout master		# Switch branch
$ git merge methodology		# Merge methodology into master

Auto-merging article.md
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in article.md
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Git cannot complete the merge because there is a conflict - if you recall, after creating the new branch, we changed the title of the article on both branches. We have to resolve the conflict and then complete the merge. We can get some more detail

$ git status

On branch master
You have unmerged paths.
  (fix conflicts and run "git commit")

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)

    	both modified:      article.md

Let’s look inside article.md:

# Title
<<<<<<< HEAD
The most amazing git and github article with the best title
The most amazing git and github article ever
>>>>>>> methodology

The mark-up shows us the parts of the file causing the conflict and the versions they come from. We now need to manually edit the file to resolve the conflict. This means removing the mark-up and doing one of:

[We edit the file][resolve-conflict]. Then commit our changes:

$ atom article.md		# Resolve conflict by editing article.md
$ git add article.md		# Let Git know we have resolved the conflict
$ git commit

This is where version control proves itself better than DropBox or GoogleDrive, this ability to merge text files line-by-line and highlight the conflicts between them, so no work is ever lost.

We can see the two branches merged if we take another look at the log graph:

$ git log --graph --decorate --all --oneline

*   1c90e39 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'methodology'
| * cc8efe9 (methodology) Add methodology
| * 9a7dc94 Add methodology
* | 69fefc9 Include git in title
* 4714690 Explain motivation for research
* 3eac70f (tag: article_STUB) cite previous work in introduction
* 635f24b write introduction section
* 537997c add title and authors

Discarding local changes

Maybe we made our change just to see how something looks, or to quickly try something out. But we may be unhappy with our changes. If we haven’t yet done a git add we can just throw the changes away and return our file to the most recent version we committed to the repository by using:

$ atom article.md		# Make some small edits to the file
$ git checkout article.md		# Discard edits we just made

and we can see that our file has reverted to being the most up-to-date one in the repository:

$ git status			# See that we have a clean working directory
$ atom article.md		# Inspect file to verify changes have been discarded

Amending the most recent commit

If you just made a commit and realised that either you did it a bit too early and the files are not yet ready to be commited. Or, which is not as uncommon as you think, your commit message is not as it is supposed to be. You can fix that using the command git commit --amend

This opens up the default editor for Git which includes the previous commit message - you can edit it and close the editor. This will simply fix the commit message.

But what if we forgot to include some files in the commit?

Let’s try it on our example. First, let’s [modify two files][describe-methodology]: our article file and the references file. We will add a methodology section to the article where we detail the model used for the methodology, and add a reference for this to the references file.

$ atom article.md		# Add methodology section, including a reference to model
$ atom refs.txt		# Add new reference for the model used
$ git status			# Get a status update on file modifications

$ On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   refs.txt
	modified:   article.md

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Let’s then add and commit article.md but not the references file.

$ git add article.md		 # Add article to staging area
$ git commit -m "Describe methodology"

Let’s have a look at our working directory now:

$ git status

$ On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout --	<file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   refs.txt

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Also, run git log -2 to see what is the latest commit message and ID.

Now, we want to fix our commit and add the references file.

$ git add refs.txt	# Add reference file
$ git commit --amend		# Amend most recent commit

This will again bring up the editor and we can amend the commit message if required.

Now when we run git status and then git log we can see that our Working Directory is clean and that both files were added.

$ git status
$ git log -3

git revert (undo changes associated with a commit)

git revert removes the changes applied in a specified commit. However, rather than deleting the commit from history, git works out how to undo those changes introduced by the commit, and appends a new commit with the resulting content.

Let’s try it on our example. Modify the article, [describing Github][Github], and then make a commit.

$ atom article.md		# Describe other instrument
$ git add article.md
$ git commit -m "Describe Github"

We now realise that what we’ve just done in our journal article is incorrect because we are not using the data from that instrument. Some of the data got corrupted, and due to problems with the logging computer we are not going to use that data. So it makes sense to abandon the commit completely.

$ git revert HEAD		# Undo changes introduced by most recent commit

When we revert, a new commit is created. The HEAD pointer and the branch pointer are in fact moved forward rather than backwards.

We can revert any previous commit. That is, we can “abandon” any of the previous changes. However, depending on the changes we have made since, we may bump into a conflict (which we will cover in more detail later on). For example:

error: could not revert 848361e... Describe Github
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'

Behind the scenes Git gets confused trying to merge the commit HEAD is pointing to with the past commit we’re reverting.

So we have seen that git revert is a non-destructive way to undo a commit. What if we don’t want to keep a record of undoing commits? That would give a neater history. git reset can also be used to undo commits, but it does so by deleting history.

git reset --hard (restore a previous state by deleting history)

git reset has several uses, and is most often used to unstage files from the staging area i.e. git reset or git reset <file>.

We are going to use a variant git reset --hard <commit> to reset things to how they were at <commit>. This is a permanent undo which deletes all changes more recent than <commit> from your history. There is clearly potential here to lose work, so use this command with care.

Let’s try that on our article, using the same example as before. Now we have two commits which we want to abandon: the commit outlining the unreliable instrumentation, and the subsequent revert commit. We can achieve this by resetting to the last commit we want to keep.

We can do that by running:

$ git reset --hard HEAD~2	# Move tip of branch to two commits before HEAD

HEAD is now at fbdc44b Add methodology section and update references file

This moves the tip of the branch back to the specified commit. If we look in-depth, this command moves back two pointers: HEAD and the pointer to the tip of the branch we currently are working on (master). (HEAD~ = the commit right before HEAD; HEAD~2 = two commits before HEAD)

The final effect is what we need: we abandoned the commits and we are now back to where we were before making the commit about the data we are not using.

Click for an animation of the revert and reset operations we just used.

This article discusses more in depth git reset showing the differences between the three options:

Top tip: do not use git reset with remote branches

There is one important thing to remember about the reset command - it should only be used with branches that have not been shared yet (that is they haven’t been pushed into a remote repository that others are using). Resetting is changing the history without leaving trace. This is always a bad practice when using remote repositories and can lead to a horrible mess.

Reverting records the fact of “abandoning the commit” in the history. When we revert in a branch that is shared with others and then push that branch into the remote repository, it is as if we “came clean” about what we were doing. Everyone who pulls the branch in which we reverted changes will see it. With git reset we “keep it secret” that we have undone some changes.

As such, if we want to abandon changes in branches that are shared with others, we should to use the revert command.

Reset vs revert

See this Atlassian online tutorial for further reading about the differences between git revert and git reset.

How to undo almost anything with Git

See this blog post for more example scenarios and how to recover from them.

Key Points

  • git log shows the commit history

  • git diff displays differences between commits

  • git checkout recovers old versions of files

  • HEAD points to the commit you have checked out

  • master points to the tip of the master branch

  • git branch creates a new branch

  • Use feature branches for new ideas and fixes, before merging into master

  • merging does not delete any branches